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2021/02/27 20:05 · thegarnet

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“This is actually one of the most appealing internet sites I have actually ever before found. That is incredibly appealing since of its distinct material and also amazing write-ups.” - Stacey


San Francisco Bay Area Momento Of A Great Outing

I have a great deal for you.

Would you like a really cool way to remember a fun outing?

  • Are you a motorcyclist looking for a date for a motorcycle ride?
  • Are you looking for a sports partner to try a new sport?
  • Do you have a regular walking partner?
  • Do you enjoy hiking?
  • Love walking your dog?
  • Enjoy playing ball or frisbee with you children, nieces, nephews, or grand kids?

Well I have an idea for you. How about having me take some aerial photos and video of you during your favorite activity? Aerial photos and video give a fascinating new perspective to your activity. These can make for a fun new profile picture, a great printed gift to your friend or family, fun to put with your next blog post, for use in a family newsletter, or even a new picture for your office or den.

Contact me so we can discuss where you would like to do this. I am available throughout the Bay Area, and we can do this in a way that respects social distancing. Some areas are prohibited for flying, or have special limits. I will check the location you want against several databases, and if you have picked such a spot, I can give you some ideas of some alternative locations.

I am a qualified licensed commercial pilot, safety focused, and skilled in smooth cinematography and taking excellent photos. I have the best professional level gear. Quick turnaround on getting your photos and video to you. Edited video with catchy sound track available too. Wide large format prints available quickly. Very reasonable rates.

Please use the comments section to contact me today to discuss your idea. You email address and comment will be hidden until I see it. I will contact you quickly and not expose your email address.


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business/drones/san_francisco_bay_area_momento_of_a_great_outing.txt · Last modified: 2020/03/29 00:00 (external edit)