====== Paul Chaney on CAD/CAM vs. the threat of exploring direct programming of G-Codes ====== //Thoughts from a Facebook thread at [[https://www.facebook.com/100000440014441/posts/2511354732222503?s=100000974491270&sfns=mo|FaceBook]]// Paul said... * Just about every company I ever worked for wants you to use a cad system for programming. That way you know just enough to make the machine work. If you know any more than that you're considered a threat. That being said I consider myself privileged to explore all the G-Code provided in program Manuel's at my discretion including sub-programs and macros, including the algebra and trigonometry that goes with it. Thank you Comments * Bob Mulvaney - You mean cam system. And yes it dumbs people down. I learned G-Code and M code 25 years ago. Do the trig right Subs the whole nine yards at the machine if I have to. * Paul says: * It's fun for me I feel like I'm retired and making money doing it * Come on out to ProTech we got Turney centers that need programs * Bob: to Paul Chaney - No Doubt Mastercam makes it a hell of a lot faster. But I'm like you I like to fat finger at the machine. * Paul: * Swedish Mastercam for the Mills but we're trying bobcat for the Turney Center and the format is lacking * Setting the tool post for some toolmakers like donici doesn't work very well